Beauty in Every Season

When I reflect on the happy parts of life, I find beauty in every season.
I invite you to explore the imagery and text on this page, outlining the ways I see beauty in each season of the year.
It is my hope that you find the beauty in everyday life as well.

With love,

Leah ♡


As autumn begins...

      I see the leaves gracefully fall…


                    down… 🍂 🍂 🍂






                                              into a pile of red and gold





As autumn comes to an end...

          seeing the pumpkins and potted mums for sale brings me joy…


                    …and I wish to decorate my house with the warm fall colors


                                                                  …and light pumpkin and apple scented candles until December arrives




As winter begins...

as the cold comes in and the air gets chilly…


…I wish to bundle up inside with a blanket...


             … with a steaming cup of hot chocolate


                         …and stay inside where it is warm


During the holidays...

From inside my home, I love seeing the beautiful snow and being with my family...

...,and I eagerly await the coming of spring

As winter comes to an end...

the snow begins to melt

...,and the weather becomes slightly warmer.

I know spring weather is just around the corner...

As spring begins...


           I enjoy seeing the blooming, spring flowers…


…and enjoying the nicer weather


As spring comes to an end...

more and more flowers continue to bloom...

...and I enjoy the sunnier weather.

I am eager that summer is almost here...

As summer begins...


        I love seeing more and more plants continue to bloom…


…and I enjoy visiting farmers' markets purchase locally grown, fresh fruits and vegetables

As summer comes to an end...

...I know autumn will be here again soon.

I embrace the opportunity to appreciate the four seasons once again.

  • First thing
  • Second thing
  • Third thing

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